SFO: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

SFO: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

A stunning celebration of the airport’s vision from a municipal airport with a dirt airstrip at Mills Field in the 1920s through burgeoning Jet Age in the 1950s, to the Master Plans that prepared the airport for a new millennium in the 1990s, and the transformations enabling SFO for the future of air and space…

Mills Field Memories

Mills Field Memories

The Society proudly celebrated the 85th anniversary of the San Francisco International Airport.  The first ten years of San Francisco International Airport (SFO) were filled with challenges and successes. Like the commercial aviation business, the development of airports evolved slowly from modest beginnings. The commitment made by the City and County of San Francisco to…

First Flight 75: Celebrating Aviation History

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the beginning of regular transoceanic commercial air travel with the start of passenger flights on October 21, 1936. Barely more than three decades after the Wright brothers’ success at Kitty Hawk, Pan American Airways inaugurated the world’s first scheduled transoceanic air route with its famous China Clipper flying boats.  …